Z 6 ) MVC Razor
Controller :-
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace WebApplication1.Controllers
public class StudentController : Controller
// GET: Student
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
Model :-
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
namespace WebApplication1.Models
public class Stud
View :-(empty , No use Layout )
@model WebApplication1.Models.Stud
var h1 = "This is a Razor Application";
<h1>@h1</h1> // Call using @
Razor View Engine Interview Questions Answers
1. What is Razor View Engine ?
:- Razor View Engine is a markup syntax which helps us to write HTML and server-side code in web pages using C# or VB.Net. It is server-side markup language however it is not at all a programming language.
2. What are the Advantages of Razor View Engine ?
⦁ It is Compact, Expressive, and Fluid. Razor helps us to minimize the coding and provide us a fast and fluid coding work flow.
⦁ Easy to Learn: Razor is easy to learn. We can also use our existing HTML skills.
⦁ The parser (available with Razor) is smart enough. It is also able to decide at run time what is a code element and what is a content element.
For example, in the following code the @ character is also part of an email address, but Razor is smart enough to identify which is code and which is static content.
please contact to abc@gmail.com to more information
Current Date time : @DateTime.Now
⦁ Razor is not a new language but it is markup so that we can also use Razor with any language like C# and VB.
⦁ Razor also supports the concept of layout pages (the same as Master Pages in ASPX View Engine), that allows us to define a common site template, in other words a common look and feel across all the pages within a web site/application.
⦁ Razor does not require any special tool to write markup. We can also write our markup code with any old plain text editor like Notepad.
⦁ The Razor View Engine is designed such that it also supports unit test views without requiring a controller and web server. This can be hosted in any unit project. There is no special application domain required.
⦁ The Razor View Engine is designed such that it also supports unit test views without requiring a controller and web server. This can be hosted in any unit project. There is no special application domain required.
⦁ ASP.NET MVC has HTML helpers that are methods that can be invoked within a code block. All existing HTML extension methods can be used with a Razor View Engine without any code changes.
⦁ The code looks clean.
⦁ Powerful built-in validation of markup that helps us to avoid unwanted runtime exceptions due to errors in the view.
⦁ The Razor View Engine has the section concept that is equivalent to content placeholders in the ASPX View Engine and that can be optional.
⦁ The @model directive provides a cleaner and more concise way to define a strongly typed model.
3. In which part of the Asp.net MVC Page life cycle , Razor engine will be used ?
Razor kicks in at Execute result in asp.net MVC Page life cycle.
4. What is the file extension of Razor view engine ?
:- Files containing Razor generally have a . cshtml file extension.
5. What Template does Razor view engine uses ?
:- Instead of MasterPages for the template, Razor uses Layouts.
6. How to add Namespaces in Razor view engine?
:- @using YourCustomNamespace
Eg : @using EmployeeNamespace
7. How Variables are declared in Razor View Engine ?
:- Variables are declared with the var keywords.
8. How inline expressions are declared in Razor View Engine?
:- All the inline expressions like variables and functions start with @.
Eg: <li @Html.Css("selected", Model.Mode == "map" )>STUFF</li>
9. What are the Different View engines which can be used in asp.net MVC ?
:- Asp.net supports different view engines apart from Razor and Asp.net View Engine.
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